Jocelyn Legault
Create a Contribution Workflow document for wiki.
was updated by Jocelyn Legault
Sunday Oct 25
ticket - Create a Contribution Workflow document for wiki. was updated by Jocelyn Legault 12:30 AM ticket
[Bug] Notepad++ 'C' and 'CPP' File Handling Remote Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
was updated by Jocelyn Legault
Saturday Oct 24
ticket -
Directory Structure: Fix major typo i...
was committed by Jocelyn Legault
Friday Oct 23
changeset -
[Feature] Set appropriate language wh...
was created by Jocelyn Legault
Thursday Oct 22
ticket - User defined languages: fix undefined... was committed by Jocelyn Legault 01:58 AM changeset
- [Crash] N++ crashes on innexistant "User Defined Style" was updated by Jocelyn Legault 01:58 AM ticket
[Bug] N++ hangs on Find in Files
was updated by Jocelyn Legault
Wednesday Oct 21
ticket -
[Bug] N++ hangs on Find in Files
was updated by Jocelyn Legault
Tuesday Oct 20
ticket - [Feature] Add new function guard to track entering leaving function in debug output. was updated by Jocelyn Legault 08:58 PM ticket