Jocelyn Legault
[Feature] Add Windows Explorer context menu to file tabs was updated by Jocelyn Legault
Sunday Oct 31
ticket -
[Feature] Add Windows Explorer context menu to file tabs was updated by Jocelyn Legault 05:21 PM ticket
Fix the tab options GUI items alignem... was committed by Jocelyn Legault 05:21 PM changeset
[Feature] Add Windows Explorer context menu to file tabs was updated by Jocelyn Legault 05:21 PM ticket
Explorer Context menu: add contextual... was committed by Jocelyn Legault 05:21 PM changeset
Explorer menu variables: rename to cl... was committed by Jocelyn Legault 05:21 PM changeset
Integrate N++ 5.7was updated by Jocelyn Legault 05:48 AM ticket -
Adjust headers files listed in the VC... was committed by Jocelyn Legault 05:48 AM changeset
Integrate N++ 5.7was updated by Jocelyn Legault 05:48 AM ticket -
Merge branch 'npp_official_svn' into ... was committed by Jocelyn Legault 05:48 AM changeset