#4 ✓resolved
Thell Fowler

[Bug] Unit Test Failures on Win7

Reported by Thell Fowler | October 8th, 2009 @ 03:33 PM | in v1.0.0-rc2

There seems to be a difference causing test failures when using Win7 shlwapi.dll 6.1.7100. These tests pass fine using shlwapi.dll 6.00.2900.5512

2>[ PASSED ] 124 tests.
2>[ FAILED ] 12 tests, listed below:
2>[ FAILED ] PathAppendTest.ParentBasedBasicPathAndBasicName
2>[ FAILED ] PathAppendTest.ParentBasedFullPathAndBasicName
2>[ FAILED ] PathAppendTest.ParentBasedBasicPathAndRootPath
2>[ FAILED ] PathAppendTest.ParentBasedFullPathAndRootPath
2>[ FAILED ] PathAppendTest.ParentOfTwoDeepPathBackOneParentAndBasicName
2>[ FAILED ] PathRemoveFileSpecTest.BasicPathNoFileDoubleMiddleSlashWithoutEndSlash
2>[ FAILED ] PathCanonicalizeTest.ParentOverflow
2>[ FAILED ] PathCanonicalizeTest.ParentParentOverflow
2>[ FAILED ] PathCanonicalizeTest.SameParentOverflow
2>[ FAILED ] PathCanonicalizeTest.SameParentParentOverflow
2>[ FAILED ] PathCanonicalizeTest.ParentSameOverflow
2>[ FAILED ] PathCanonicalizeTest.ParentSameParentOverflow

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