#16 ✓resolved
Jocelyn Legault

[Bug] Sticky hotspot style

Reported by Jocelyn Legault | November 2nd, 2009 @ 10:45 PM | in v2.0.0


In some circumstances, the hotspot highlight can be wrongly applied to documents.

Repro steps

  • Open two documents, one of which has an http link on the top line.
  • With your mouse hover on top of the link. Notice that the hotspot style is applied (see Hotspot_problem_step_1.png)
  • Move you mouse up to the tab bar. Notice that the hotspot style is still applied; This is wrong
  • Click on the tab of the other document. Notice that the hotspot style is wrongly applied to this document (see Hotspot_problem_step_2.png)

To fix this bug, we need to notify the document that the hotspot is no longer applied when the mouse exit the surface of the document.


Simply move your mouse over the new document. The hotspot style will be removed.


  • Pictures included.
  • This is a low priority bug.

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