Changeset [ea56832bdb42fb7b23979ea4297cd889be16c457] by Don Ho
November 2nd, 2010 @ 12:58 AM
[RELEASE] Notepad++ 5.8.3 release.
- Notepad-plus svn trunk @ 693
Committed by Don Ho
- M PowerEditor/bin/change.log
- M PowerEditor/installer/nativeLang/catalan.xml
- M PowerEditor/installer/nativeLang/greek.xml
- M PowerEditor/installer/nativeLang/hungarian.xml
- M PowerEditor/installer/nativeLang/hungarianA.xml
- M PowerEditor/installer/nativeLang/korean.xml
- M PowerEditor/installer/nativeLang/russian.xml
- M PowerEditor/installer/nativeLang/swedish.xml
- M PowerEditor/installer/nativeLang/ukrainian.xml
- M PowerEditor/installer/nppSetup.nsi
- M PowerEditor/src/resource.h
- M PowerEditor/src/tools/NppShell/src/bitmap/npp.bmp
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Normalized Notepad++ SVN. Whitespace normalized, binaries removed from history.