Changeset [d778475ba0430fe934be879696f27583a767c1be] by Don Ho

September 29th, 2009 @ 12:14 AM

[NEW_FEATURE] Try to catch plugin crash.

[BUG_FIXED] (Author : Jocelyn Legault) Fix some memory leaks.

Committed by Don Ho

  • A PowerEditor/src/icons/chameleon.ico
  • M PowerEditor/src/MISC/PluginsManager/PluginsManager.cpp
  • M PowerEditor/src/MISC/PluginsManager/PluginsManager.h
  • M PowerEditor/src/Notepad_plus.cpp
  • M PowerEditor/src/Notepad_plus.rc
  • M PowerEditor/src/Parameters.cpp
  • M PowerEditor/src/Parameters.h
  • M PowerEditor/src/ScitillaComponent/Buffer.cpp
  • M PowerEditor/src/ScitillaComponent/Buffer.h
  • M PowerEditor/src/ScitillaComponent/FindReplaceDlg.cpp
  • M PowerEditor/src/ScitillaComponent/FindReplaceDlg.h
  • M PowerEditor/src/WinControls/AboutDlg/AboutDlg.cpp
  • M PowerEditor/src/icons/npp.ico
  • M PowerEditor/src/resource.h
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