Changeset [cf8c463891356cca5cebc0dc1cf8cdaf471388ba] by Jocelyn Legault

October 12th, 2010 @ 02:31 AM

Remove unused Scintilla files.

Removed cocoa, MacOS and gtk files that we have no use for.


Signed-off-by: Jocelyn Legault

Committed by Jocelyn Legault

  • R scintilla/cocoa/
  • R scintilla/cocoa/
  • R scintilla/cocoa/ScintillaCocoa.h
  • R scintilla/cocoa/
  • R scintilla/cocoa/ScintillaFramework/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
  • R scintilla/cocoa/ScintillaFramework/ScintillaFramework.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
  • R scintilla/cocoa/ScintillaTest/AppController.h
  • R scintilla/cocoa/ScintillaTest/
  • R scintilla/cocoa/ScintillaTest/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
  • R scintilla/cocoa/ScintillaTest/English.lproj/MainMenu.xib
  • R scintilla/cocoa/ScintillaView.h
  • R scintilla/cocoa/
  • R scintilla/cocoa/
  • R scintilla/gtk/Converter.h
  • R scintilla/gtk/PlatGTK.cxx
  • R scintilla/gtk/ScintillaGTK.cxx
  • R scintilla/gtk/deps.mak
  • R scintilla/gtk/makefile
  • R scintilla/gtk/scintilla-marshal.c
  • R scintilla/gtk/scintilla-marshal.h
  • R scintilla/gtk/scintilla-marshal.list
  • R scintilla/macosx/PlatMacOSX.cxx
  • R scintilla/macosx/SciTest/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
  • R scintilla/macosx/SciTest/SciTest.xcode/project.pbxproj
  • R scintilla/macosx/ScintillaMacOSX.h
  • R scintilla/macosx/deps.mak
  • R scintilla/macosx/makefile
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