Changeset [c03b0a630783840a341643101c44c766b31b0f14] by Don Ho

February 8th, 2010 @ 12:44 AM

[REVERT] menuID2LangType function is reverted due to its performance issue.

[NEW_FEATURE] Add "Display loading time" feature (via command line argument "-loadingTime"). [NEW] Add NPPM_INTERNAL_DISABLEAUTOUPDATE message (which can be triggered by GUP.exe).

Committed by Don Ho

  • M PowerEditor/bin/updater/GUP.exe
  • M PowerEditor/bin/updater/gup.xml
  • M PowerEditor/src/Notepad_plus.cpp
  • M PowerEditor/src/Parameters.h
  • M PowerEditor/src/resource.h
  • M PowerEditor/src/winmain.cpp
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