Changeset [8a18547da9b99df3ef55e30f2db9c83a8bf17b8d] by Thell Fowler

February 2nd, 2010 @ 05:30 PM

hudson: introduce Hudson job and build script

  • Hudson, the continuous integration server, can be easily installed and setup locally by any developer until we have an official public build server. The test script verifies builds using a matrix of settings covering VC 8, VC 9, Google Mock and test both as submodules and as stand-alone installs, Debug, Release, and Shipping builds as well as executing the Debug build to check output for detected memory leaks.
  • Includes README with setup documentation.
  • Requires the Hudson Setenv Plugin


Signed-off-by: Thell Fowler

Committed by Thell Fowler

  • A contrib/hudson-ci/NPPCR-HUDSON-BUILD-TESTS.bat
  • A contrib/hudson-ci/README.txt
  • A contrib/hudson-ci/config.xml
  • M .gitignore
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