Changeset [81c3ba4df5dc4173ddc22f16c44fa443e806c8fc] by Thell Fowler

December 6th, 2009 @ 07:42 PM

branding: make about dialog and Help menu CR specific

  • The following changes should help clarify any confusion from users when using the Community Release versus Don's release:

  • Remove Unicode/ANSI tag from about dialog.

  • Remove GPL from about dialog.
  • Alter About dialog to show Notepad++ Community Release name and Version as well as point to Notepad++ URLs.
  • Remove main notepad++ site and project page buttons from help menu.
  • Restyle the about dialog.

Signed-off-by: Thell Fowler

Committed by Thell Fowler

  • M PowerEditor/src/Notepad_plus.rc
  • M PowerEditor/src/WinControls/AboutDlg/AboutDlg.cpp
  • M PowerEditor/src/WinControls/AboutDlg/AboutDlg.h
  • M PowerEditor/src/resource.h
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Notepad++ Community Release

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