Changeset [61f09ebb2297cdb4b133610874753517b1cdbdbd] by Thell Fowler

December 5th, 2009 @ 10:33 PM

common.h: make NO_DEFAULT_CASE less intrusive

  • Add NPPCR_DEBUG_NO_DEFAULT_CASE ifdef check so developers can have more control over when the switch statements from original N++ code gets in the way of running N++CR debug build. The default behaviour is changed to have OutputDebugString print to console instead of a MessageBox.

[#20 state:needs_ack responsible:npp-community]

Signed-off-by: Thell Fowler

Committed by Thell Fowler

  • M PowerEditor/src/MISC/Common/Common.h
  • M PowerEditor/src/precompiled_headers.h
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