Changeset [559d0a15096e744b9bf71610187d1a1a4b3d621f] by Jocelyn Legault

December 17th, 2009 @ 04:58 AM

npp_debug.h: add guard_debugf_cat() controlled by guard state

  • line_debugf() and guard_debugf() give the ability to send debug messages to an attached debugger with the difference being that line_debugf() is not controlled by function guards at all, and guard_debugf() being indented to whatever the current function guards indent level is.

guard_debugf_cat() is different in that it is tied directly to a func_guard and will not output anything when that category is set to the disabled state.

Committed by Jocelyn Legault

  • M PowerEditor/src/MISC/Debug/npp_debug.cpp
  • M PowerEditor/src/MISC/Debug/npp_debug.h
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