Changeset [03dfbcc5b6dd11b4ea39d3382873fbf5d75d5e59] by Don Ho

September 4th, 2010 @ 05:22 PM

[BUG_FIXED] Fix "Select and Find Next" and "Count" regressions.

[UPDATE] Adapt Scintilla 2.20 (making SCI_SETPROPERTIES call after SCI_SETLEXER call).

Committed by Don Ho

  • M PowerEditor/src/NppCommands.cpp
  • M PowerEditor/src/ScitillaComponent/FindReplaceDlg.cpp
  • M PowerEditor/src/ScitillaComponent/ScintillaEditView.cpp
  • M PowerEditor/src/ScitillaComponent/ScintillaEditView.h
  • M PowerEditor/src/WinControls/shortcut/shortcut.cpp
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